Mark Rodgers


Mark Rodgers

What Mark Rodgers does is simple: he helps you hear “yes” more often. Mark helps clients dramatically accelerate their sales, marketing, and management efforts, achieving astonishing results.

Author of the AMACOM book: Persuasion Equation: The Subtle Science of Getting Your Way. Mark propels clients to:

• Considerably increase market share

• Develop competition‐crushing superiority

• Significantly accelerate cash flow

• Reduce workforce attrition

• Speed management decision making

• Seize unfolding market opportunities

• Create uncommon organizational alignment

• Ensuring essential skill acquisition

Mark helps clients ranging from front line practitioners to mid‐level managers to C‐level executives. Clients have included Fortune 500 companies, State Associations, small businesses and not‐for‐profit agencies.

Mark is also the author of the book Accelerate the Sale published by McGraw‐Hill in June 2011, which made INC Magazine’s Business Book Bestseller list for June 2011.

An award‐winning author, engaging consultant, and world‐class speaker, Mark Rodgers has a master’s degree in adult education, has published over 100 articles and holds the National Speakers’ Association Certified Speaking Professional designation; he is one of only 500 people on the planet to have earned this coveted achievement.

Mark is also an ad hoc faculty member for the University of Wisconsin – Madison School of Business Center for Professional and Executive Development program.

Mark Rodgers lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with his wife, Amy.

Leading Businesses