Our Blogs


The future of the publishing industry

Today most of us get our information from social media in one form or another. The future of the publishing industry will be to disseminate information in shorter, more easily consumable byte size to adapt to the new super fast moving digital age on the planet currently!

Literary Lawyer vs Literary Attorney 

What’s the difference between a literary lawyer, a literary attorney, or a literary agent who might be one of the Best Literary Agents working at one of the Top Literary Agencies? Should authors ever hire a literary attorney or literary lawyer? And, if so, what are some of the more common reasons an author might hire a literary lawyer or literary attorney?

Literary Agent

What is a literary agent? In short, they’re the person whose job it is to sell your book to a publisher. Literary agents work to present great manuscripts to potential publishers, and while the agent’s primary role is to sell books and negotiate contracts, your agent can also be your motivation, your first editor, and your biggest supporter.

What Is an Editor’s Role in a Changing Publishing Industry?

This fall, there’s a new essay collection out, What Editors Do, edited by Peter Ginna and published by University of Chicago Press. I’m delighted to be a contributor; I offer up the last chapter in the book on the editor’s role in a changing industry.

The Editor’s Role in Publishing

I have a unique perspective in the publishing process and see the many roles that contribute to the success of a book.