Kathy Caprino


Kathy Caprino

Kathy Caprino, M.A. is an internationally-recognized women's career, executive and leadership coach, Finding Brave™ expert, Senior Forbes contributor, writer and TEDx/national speaker dedicated to the advancement of women in business globally. The author of Breakdown, Breakthrough and the new book The Most Powerful You: 7 Bravery-Boosting Paths to Career Bliss (HarperCollins Leadership, July 2020 and Murdoch Books, August 2020), Kathy is Founder and President of Kathy Caprino, LLC (https://kathycaprino.com) -- a premier career and leadership coaching and consulting firm helping professional women reach their highest visions and goals. She is also the creator and host of the Finding Brave podcast which has ranked in the Top 100 Apple Podcasts in Careers in numerous countries.

A former corporate marketing VP, trained marriage and family therapist, and seasoned coach, Kathy is a leading voice on LinkedIn and Thrive Global, and top media source on careers, personal growth, leadership and women's career issues and trends, and has appeared in over 200 leading publications and magazines and on national radio and television.

Leading Businesses