Lena Sisco


Lena Sisco

Lena is the undisputed authority when it comes to analyzing human behavior to detect deception, building rapport to gain trust, and getting the truth.
She is a former Navy Intelligence Officer and DoD-certified interrogator. Since 2003 she has been training the government, military, law enforcement, and the private sector in interviewing, interrogation, body language, detecting deception, elicitation, leadership, and enhanced communication skills.  
She is a published author, TEDx Speaker, Expert Witness on the TV Show Couples Court, a guest speaker for SPYEX and the International SPY Museum - she's even featured in their Martar Hari exhibit. She is also certified in the Psychology of Leadership, Organizational Change Management, multiple profile assessments, Six Sigma, and Instructional Systems Design.
She trains and keynote speaks around the globe and is internationally recognized as an expert in her field of human behavior. 

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