Your Own Terms

Your Own Terms

Your Own Terms

No wonder most women hate negotiation, there is an ugly double standard. If we make concessions to further a deal, we're viewed as weak. But if we play hardball, we can be seen as overly aggressive and the strategy backfires.

In Your Own Terms, negotiation expert Yasmin Davidds helps women to strike a balance, merging a woman’s natural strengths; collaboration, relationship building, and listening, with a firm grasp of established tactics. The book also helps in utilizing guidelines, stories, and exercises that shed light on the psychology of negotiationQuote from the book: Based on these personal experiences and successes, I will teach you what I’ve taught others—how to be both a winning and a graceful negotiator. I will show you how you have more power at the negotiating table than most men, without resorting to sexual nuance

Authors: Jasmine Davids Publications: AMACOM Pages Count: 256 Publish date: 2015-05-12