Maximum Influence

Maximum Influence

Maximum Influence

Influence is a crucial tool for absolutely anyone who seeks success and prosperity. But how can everyday people .actually become more controlling? Maximum Influence unlocks the secrets of the master influencers. Now in an all-new edition, the book combines scientific research with real-world studies, presenting the most authoritative and effective arsenal of persuasion techniques ever. Author and renowned expert Kurt Mortensen reveals the 12 Laws of Persuasion, explaining why each law works, how to use it, and what to avoid. You will learn about the law of dissonance, the law of contrast, the law of expectation, and nine other proven principles that consciously and unconsciously propel people to act.

Quote from the book: Persuasion permeates every aspect of our lives. How can someone be an effective manager, entrepreneur, or salesperson without persuasion skills? To help you as you learn the techniques and strategies of Maximum Influence, let me outline what I call the Five P’s of Success

Authors: Kurt W. Mortensen Publications: AMACOM Pages Count: 256 Publish date: 2013-06-13