


About the Book: Business schools, leadership gurus, and strategy guides agree that leaders must have a vision. But the sad truth is that most don't...or at least not one that compels, inspires, and energizes their people. In Anticipate, strategy and leadership expert Rob-Jan de Jong explains that to develop vision you must sharpen two key skills. The first is the ability to see things early--spotting the first hints of change on the horizon. The second is the power to connect the dots--turning those clues into a gripping story about the future of your organization and industry.

You will discover how to: 

  • Tap into your imagination and open yourself to the unconventional.
  • Become better at seeing things early.
  • Communicate your vision in a way that engages others and provokes actions.
Authors: Rob Jan de Young Publications: AMACOM Pages Count: 288 Publish date: 0000-00-00